About us
ALKHASHAN Contracting Establishment Founded Since 1990 But the history of the institution and its expertise in the field of generate contracting governmental projects more than that according to the experience of ’its staff.
All individuals recruited for enterprise workers and previous experience and expertise and knowledge. management and implementation of projects according to the highest standards and specifications .. To become an institution ALKHASHAN contrasting company shiny trade name has the experience. equipment and human energy integral.ed capabilities to do huge projects ,As well as the major projects of municipalities and the Ministry of Water and Customs .
One of the most important reasons for the contracting successes that work crew in the institution has the experience makes it up to customer satisfaction and the highest quality and professionalism in the work ALKHASHAN Contracting Establishment Founded Since 1990 I But the history of the institution and its expertise in the field of generate contracting governmental projects more than that according to the experience of ’its staff.